NOVA Charitable Foundation army project update

Here are some images of an assault squad painted by Joe Johnson.  Joe and I have had some battles, on the table and for best painted, and I enjoy every time I encounter him.  He is probably best known for his "salmon" marines that crushed best painted on the...

2015 Nova Open Charity Army

It's that time of year again! For several years now I have been involved with painting armies for charity.  It started with a simple, small army and a handful of painters and one very motivated Santa Cruz gaming group.  The next year the gloves came off and...

New Banner Commission!

Hey Guys!Here are some images of my most recent commission banner I did for my buddy Dean Johnson and his gaming group.  The Ocean State Dice Devils!  The dice devil image is their logo. The Blood Angels, Templars and Dragon images represent the three...

Blood Angels Rhino Progress

Here is a little update action on my Blood Angels Rhino.  I cut a stencil in masking tape for the top hatch and airbrushed the logo.  After trying several varnishes, I finally came to Liquitex Satin Varnish applied with my airbrush. First I used some Gloss...