3 Color Minimum

 Let there be light.Nuln Oil Gloss over Yriel Yellow for the servo headlight.The darker Sector Imperialis terrain needed more color, and Nurgling Green is that color. I also used this on the Deathworld trees and it's subtle but really helps tie the whole piece...

Season of Scenery 2023 – Finale

 Here's everything that was painted last month.I had an ambitious pile of terrain to start this challenge with, and I will end this challenge with an ambitious pile of terrain to complete 😂 HOWEVER, I did make some progress and have made some decisions on...

Deathworld Forest terrain

 Finally making some progress...This was the 2nd or 3rd time I've started over on these GW Eldritch Ruins / Deathworld Forest terrain pieces; I was struggling to find a color scheme I was happy with... until this week :)This was definitely a case of trial and...

Lego Tales of the Space Age

 Out of this world.LEGO has been crushing it with their Ideas line of kits lately. Lots of joy in a little box.Bravo LEGO!