Old Stuff Day

 It's Old Stuff Day!See, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks... I didn't miss it this year. Old Stuff Day is the brainchild of Warhammer 39,999 and lives on thanks to venerable hobby blogs such as Confessions of a 40k Addict.I've decided to revisit the post on...

Best 3D Prints – Part 2

 Even more prints! (pic heavy)This pokemon is probably the most detailed thing we've printed so far. I couldn't get it to print without supports, but those peeled off easily with this one.I had to re-print the bike when I switched to black filament (not to...

Ready for Spring

 This cold is kicking my butt.I'm 100% ready for warmer weather. Gabe has an entire Chaos army built and ready for spray priming, as does Ellie with her Battle Sisters and Daisy with her Soulblights.I've got a nice backlog myself, and really looking forward to...

Best 3D Prints So Far

 A couple more weeks with a 3D printer... I've learned a lot, dialed in the settings for higher quality or quicker/efficient prints, and just wanted to share some of the best files & use-cases I've come across so far for 3D printing.This being a 'miniatures...