Sisters & Cyborgs

Reinforcements for the Adepta Sororitas and the Necrons arrive to spice up the home meta 😉We kicked off the kids' first day of summer break with a little family hobby time and everyone getting a new unit to add to their existing armies. My daughter, who...

Atlantic City Open Recap

 We're back baby!Nurgle's covid pestilence be damned! The vaccinated be baccinated for super major grand tournaments in the States 😎 There really aren't words yet to describe what it feels like to be on this side of things... so lets start with some ACO...

Incubi Base Hack

 I thought I would have to actually hack into these models to put them on the new, and annoyingly slightly larger, bases... but magnets FTW!I'm sure I'll eventually put these on more scenic bases when I'm not 4 days away from using them at an event. But in the...

Sustained by Dark Science

 The list.I didn't start out with Prophets of Flesh, nor Urien Rakarth in mind when planning my list for ACO. I mainly wanted to experiment with the new (and amazing) Drukhari codex, so that meant a Realspace Raid Battalion for me. I enjoy all 3 sub-factions of...