Base Bath

 That step when you bathe the base of a mini in glue then sprinkle on (or dunk in) your favorite true grit concoction...I always love this step in the hobby process because you know the next step is priming the whole model, then basking in the transformation...

Season of Scenery 2023

 It's been the summer of things breaking, so I'm off to a late start... but I've got a wide variety of projects for this hobby challenge!There's still the month of August if you would like to join in; go sign up on Dave's blog! I have a ton of unfinished...

GW Cancels Half of my Space Marine Armies

End of an era.Poor grey plastic Scout Biker never got to ride properly painted into battle...Actually, poor this guy who never made it out of the box:Games Workshop announced the culling of 14 classic Space Marine units this week, which hit my army collection pretty...

Painting McFarlane Toys

 These McFarlane Toys surprisingly take paint pretty well!I snagged this Necron Flayed One Artist Proof on Prime Day for 8$ 👍I filed some of the biggest mold lines away, but nothing too crazy; maybe spent 5 minutes cleaning the model up before hitting it...