Mini Duels Review & Other Gaming Goodies

Last month I turned another year older and used the occasion to order some really cool gaming gear.First up, I snagged one of Frontline Gaming's new game mats, the Overgrown City, sized perfectly for Kill Team.It not only looks great but also allows me to set up a...

Eldar Supreme Command Detachment

I've been working on a few new army lists for 40k and the first one I want to talk about includes an Eldar Supreme Command detachment.There's been a lot of discussion recently about mono-faction vs "soup" army lists due to the ITC change in how faction points are...

March Hobby Updates

Happy Saint Patty's day! Read on to see what I've been painting and playing this month.Let's start off with the big guy, my dark Avatar of Khaine. I've had this primed on the shelf for years but lacked the motivation to work on him until recently -- started writing...

Realistic Ice Effects

The icy weather outside reminded me that I hadn't posted this yet. Last month, I attempted to add realistic looking ice to the bottom of this base. Read on to learn from my trial & error :)I had a blast working on this model from Reaper which I picked up a year...

LVO 2019: 40k Champs Stream

Check it out! LVO 40k Champs StreamI've been enjoying this all weekend. Here's what I've been working on in the background:The final championship round is about to take place, so go check it out. There were over 13,000 viewers for the semi-final... wow! Awesome...