Kill Team: All the Ways to Play

With the recent release of Kill Team: Arena, I've seen a lot of questions come up on unboxing videos and forums about what this expansion brings to the overall game, whether it fits in with the other expansions -- Kill Team: Commanders, and Kill Team: Rogue Trader --...

Backwards then Forwards

Off to a late start... Today, I take a look back at 2018 and then set some goals for 2019.2018 RecapAs far as my hobby activity goes 2018 was a pretty good year. Here's the group shot of everything I worked on, unless I'm forgetting something...... which I did. This...

The Fourth Awakens

Thankful :)Just a couple weeks ago our fourth child, Leo Tiberius, joined us just in time for Thanksgiving dinner!He's absolutely perfect and we are all obsessed with him. I'm still in total disbelief that we have 4 kids, but seeing them all together... I've never...

DreadTober ’18 – Update #4

DreadTober 2018 comes to an end. Come check out the finalnext round of progress photos ;)I honestly wasn't expecting to finish finish this Imperial Knight in under a month, more get him to a tabletop quality where I can then take my time on final details or...

DreadTober ’18 – Update #3

Raptors Imperial Knight - DreadTober 2018 Update #3Things are progressing relatively well, besides maybe the Heavy Stubber which I've had to carefully glue back no less than 4 times already; I'll be amazed if it still rotates by the end.Here's some more...