DreadTober ’18 – Update #2

Raptors Imperial Knight - DreadTober 2018 Update #2Made some progress over the last couple days and hoping to continue that into the weekend. Here's some in-progress shots:Next step, gold trim then a bath in the magic sauce ;)

DreadTober ’18 – Update #1

Progress has been slow on the Imperial Knight due to other general life busyness, but finally finished all sub-assembly and the weather finally cooperated enough to spray some primer.I was surprised to find this old White Dwarf tucked away in my Knight sprue box and...

DreadTober 2018

Going a little bigger than last year, here's my entry for DreadTober 2018.I look forward to this community challenge each year and like everyone else I love me some dreadnoughts. But this year, I've decided to tackle some of my bigger, unfinished projects that have...

Voidraven Bomber – Neglected Nevermore

September has come to an end, but I don't think my work on this Voidraven Bomber has...OK so I hit a couple snags, but you know what... it certainly looks better than it did 2 weeks ago! :)So what happened you say... well, quite frankly I thought I had a couple...

Neglected Model Challenge Update

September Neglected Model challenge progress update!Here's some WIP shots of the Voidraven. I'm intimidated by the clear canopy and totally get why people would airbrush over these, but I would miss seeing all the details in the cockpit and bomber sections so I'm...