NOVA Kill Team Tournament Recap

I'm excited to talk about 40k Kill Team and recap my experiences from the world's first major event hosted at this year's NOVA Open. Let's jump right in!It was an historic moment, the dawn of a brand new game released a mere weeks before the event, supported in a big...

Neglected Model September Challenge

With this dusty Voidraven Bomber, I'm entering the September Neglected Model community painting challenge.I very recently came across Azazel's Bitz Box, by way of WestRider's blog (thank you!), and despite the late start decided to use this opportunity to try and...


I was blown away by my SuperNOVA bag and wanted to quickly share what all you get in one.This is my second year attending with a SuperNOVA pass / bundle, which only matters because the more years you return with a SuperNOVA pass, the greater the selection of KR...

NOVA 2018 Photos

NOVA '18 photo dump!I didn't take as many pictures as previous years but here's the first batch. I've got more from my actual games I'll post when I get to the recaps. Enjoy!Amazing!

My Dark Eldar Kill Team & The Eagleton Eldar

I meant to post this before I left but ran out of time, so here is how far along I got on my Kill Team and Blood Bowl team pre-Nova.Here's a quick photo-dump as I'm exhausted but will try to sort thru the Nova pics soon and share those as well. But I had a blast :)...