Time Saving Hobby Supplies

Quick post today highlighting two time-saving hobby tools/supplies I'm making heavy use of in my painting marathon leading up to NOVA, as well as a preview of my unfinished, and still unnamed, Elven Union Blood Bowl team :)Get-a-GripIt's crunch time now! Only 1 more...


Mustering my Kill Team...... but mostly dusting, lol as some of these models haven't left the shelf in quite some time. I've been trying to learn the game and work on my command roster as much as free time allows, which isn't a whole lot right now as I'm also still...

Countdown to NOVA ’18 & Thanksgiving!

A month out now from NOVA 2018 and I have my work cut out for me. I finished registering for events a couple weeks back, finalizing my convention schedule and my hobby to-do list leading up to the event. I'm excited to be trying out some new things this year!First...

Video Gaming

Yup.It's been extra busy as we approach the end of kids' school year, so hobby time has been a little more limited. When downtime has presented itself, I've been spending it on my new PC catching up on some epic AAA games I missed out on from the last 7 or so years...

Video Gaming

Yup.It's been extra busy as we approach the end of kids' school year, so hobby time has been a little more limited. When downtime has presented itself, I've been spending it on my new PC catching up on some epic AAA games I missed out on from the last 7 or so years...