The Hunt Begins

I've started assembling the models for my next project, the Stormcast Eternals' side of Blightwar!This boxset offers a great selection of models at a nice discount. I was eyeing the Vanguard Palladors and Raptors already and the Hunters seem pretty cool -- I'm trading...

The Hunt Begins

I've started assembling the models for my next project, the Stormcast Eternals' side of Blightwar!This boxset offers a great selection of models at a nice discount. I was eyeing the Vanguard Palladors and Raptors already and the Hunters seem pretty cool -- I'm trading...

DreadTober Wrap Up

DreadTober 2017 has come to an end. Let's see how far along I got...I was able to touch up some areas over the weekend and more recently started on highlights. I wouldn't say I'm 100% done on highlights as the only reason I stopped at this stage was due to time. But...


Minor site update: switching to DisqusFinally, years after the behest from Phil to upgrade the blog's commenting engine, I've made the switch to Disqus. It was pretty quick and painless to do too, so now I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. The unfortunate...

Raptors Contemptor – Update #2

DreadTober update #2 - One more week to go!I made some progress over the weekend I wanted to share. First up, I magnetized the multi-melta and assault cannon arms:Slightly larger magnets than what I intended on using, but it's what I had on hand and it gets the job...