NOVA 2017 Pics

Another awesome NOVA Open! Photo dump from Capital Palette, Blood Bowl, 40k, and AoS events after the jump...NOVA 2017 was bigger and better than ever, as I'm sure is the case every year for NOVA. It seriously never fails to impress on a number of levels, and I think...

Late Night Heroics

It's the eve of NOVA and I'm still assembling models... This, my friends, is why I didn't sign up for anything beyond Blood Bowl :)Luckily, my Blood Bowl team, the Dwarf Double-fisters, are in good shape and ready to brawl!There's still some details I would like to...

Countdown to NOVA

Just under a month till NOVA Open 2017, excitement is brewing!The anticipation and lead up to a big tournament / con is great fun and one of the best motivators for finishing up lingering hobby projects. I will attempt to utilize this energy & excitement to get a...

Dark Eldar / Drukhari List Building

UPDATE: 8th Ed. Drukhari Codex released April 2018 -- revised points & army list post+++8th edition 40k is upon us and while the core rules have been simplified down to 12 pages there is a lot to unpack from the Index books & datasheets, where the true...

Monthly Muse #2

For this month's Muse, lets talk a little bit about what has been revealed so far for the upcoming 8th edition 40k, review some recent (and not so recent) hobby activity, and lastly I'll share some of my thoughts on using the Blogo app over the past couple months.So...