Stardrake WIP

Quick post of a few work-in-progress shots of my Stardrake. More after the jump.This model has been a pure joy to paint so far, but it does take a lot of paint -- will definitely need to restock some paints before this one is through! 

Blood Bowl Team Updates

Today, I've got a few work-in-progress shots to share for my Blood Bowl teams, a little something for each of them (Humans, Orcs, and Dwarfs).Dwarfs Up first we have the Dwarfs. I really love the dynamic and in-motion look of the models for this team.I focused on the...

Monthly Muse: The Beginning

Merlin's beard!Monthly Muse is something I've been thinking about the last few weeks as a way to highlight some useful hobby tip or just something random I came across and thought was interesting or stood out over the past month. For this first installment let's take...

Monthly Muse: The Beginning

Merlin's beard!Monthly Muse is something I've been thinking about the last few weeks as a way to highlight some useful hobby tip or just something random I came across and thought was interesting or stood out over the past month. For this first installment let's take...

Decisions (and Blogo test)

With so much good stuff coming out of Games Workshop recently and at a pace that doesn't appear to be slowing down any time soon, it's become more & more difficult deciding what to focus on and invest in next.Planning out future purchases is typically a really fun...