Week in Review

It's been a great week -- my son turned 5 (man does time fly!), I got a new phone which came a day earlier than expected, and the November issue of White Dwarf came a whopping 5 days early and while only halfway thru it's shaping up to be the best installment yet...

Age of New Projects

Recently, I've been smitten by Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. I picked up the starter set awhile back because the minis are fantastic and I was intrigued by the new, simplified, fantasy rule set. But what pushed interest into action was the release of the General's...

Awesome #3

The time has come for another big real life announcement, #3 to be precise!A week ago today my wife and I welcomed our third beautiful child, Daisy, to our family :)She's absolutely wonderful and we couldn't be happier! Everyone is doing well and I'm really enjoying...

White Dwarf Reboot

The new (old) White Dwarf monthly magazine is back!This is somewhat older news now but if your September White Dwarf issue got held up like mine did by USPS then you may still find this interesting. Yes, I eagerly checked the mail every day for my copy only to be...

July WIP

Look, Joe's paints aren't all dried up!Although some were, somehow this 20 year old pot of Rotting Flesh was still good. And lucky for me cause it was just the shade I needed for the skin on this haemonculus.I'm definitely rusty and couldn't even tell you how long...