FAQs and Errata Updates…

...well sorta. Take a look:http://www.blacklibrary.com/faqs-and-errata.htmlSpot any game-changers in there?

5 Years

Hard to believe the blog turns 5 today! Time, like the last model I assembled, sure does fly. This past year especially felt like non-stop, go go go -- it was a tremendously busy year with real life stuff that didn't leave much time to hobby unfortunately. But, I was...

Roads and Rails

This was simply amazing and pictures wont do it justice...Astonishingly, my son turned four this past week. It's crazy, I feel like I need one of these:Yup, same museum and timely for Back to the Future day!Gabe is really into legos and trains so naturally this was...

NOVA Open 2015 Photo Dump

Man, NOVA was awesome! I mean, it's always been awesome but this year was just a whole new level of awesome. I was able to catch up with some old friends and meet a whole lot of new ones, have drinks and talk shop with the one and only Natfka, hung out with one...

NOVA Open 2015!

Wait, that doesn't look like a demi-company...I had been working on a Raptor's themed Space Marine army for the past month, then in classic indecisive Joe fashion decided to change my mind last night, haha. More than anything, I wanted to push around fully (mostly)...