Eldar 40k

Walking ashore after jumping the shark?In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... Eldar?I apologize in advance for the obligatory rant. If there's one thing the latest Games Workshop codex update did, it's illuminate the fact that they should not be...

Still Trying To Make Dark Eldar Work

I'm continuing to try new combinations from the Dark Eldar and Coven books. I think I'm starting to zero in on the type of list that is both fun to play and at least has a chance against most opponents (and that last part is hard to come by for the dark kin on their...

March Huzzah 1850 RTT

It's time to start playing more games again.Last Saturday I was able to play in Huzzah's monthly 1850pt RTT. It had been a little while since I played this format and against such brutal lists, but I had a really good time. I was able to test out a couple things with...

Army Composition and Other Random Thoughts

The 2015 Grand Tournament season is now underway with LVO kicking things off this weekend here in the States. Many are watching, especially other Tournament Organizers, to see not only which army combinations come out on top but to also gauge how attendees feel about...

Harlequin Voidweaver Details!

Voidweaver rules!I never expected the Harlequins to receive such treatment! Check out the rules that just broke:VoidweaverSquadrons of these sound fun! This is looking pretty tasty for my Dark Eldars :)