2015, Necrons, and Harlequins!

Almost a month in to 2015 already, time sure does fly. We've got 2 updates right around the corner, both are factions I collect / play and am looking forward to adding to each army. I've also got some additional goals I want to lay out for the new year.NecronsThe new...

4 Years

Today marks 4 years since the blog launched. Crazy!There was significantly less hobby time this year and thus less content. But it has been a truly epic year! The birth of my daughter, buying and moving into our first house, new opportunities at work. Some really...

Highlander RTT Recap

Last week was the annual MWC holiday event, Slay Ride!, the final tournament in their 6 event circuit where the best general with the highest amount of battle points, accumulated over the course of the year, gets to take home the highly coveted Slay Belle trophy!You...
Grotesque Conversions

Grotesque Conversions

Here are my first 4 converted Grotesques, built just in time for a 1500 point Highlander RTT tomorrow!I still need to add vials and some small detail bits but they are almost ready for paint.I also put together the new Haemonculus and a Talos to go towards my Dark...
Extra Life 2014

Extra Life 2014

Please help support my friend and this incredibly important non-profit!One of my best friends is participating in this 24 hour gaming event to raise money for the Johns Hopkins Children's Center.To find out more and to donate to this great cause please click here.You...