Fun With Flayed Ones

Fun With Flayed Ones

I've recently turned my attention to Necrons until the new DE codex drops. The Necrons will have a new book of their own before too long, although their current rules have fared quite well in 7th edition thus far.I should probably wait and see what happens with their...
Dark Eldar Wishlisting

Dark Eldar Wishlisting

Rumors of the new Dark Eldar are ramping up and I for one can't wait to see what's in store for their release! At this point, there isn't a whole lot of consistency across the rumors I've seen and most seem like educated guesses based on the treatment of Grey Knights...
1850 RTT Recap

1850 RTT Recap

Outside of a few home games, I hadn't yet tested any of my lists in a true 7th edition tournament setting. Then the opportunity came up to play in Huzzah Hobbies' monthly 40k RTT a couple weeks back. It was my first time visiting this store so I was excited to...
Wraithknight WIP

Wraithknight WIP

I finally got around to building my wraithknight, a much needed tough unit to ally with my other armies.I'm still deciding whether or not to evil it up to tie it in with my DE. The arms, torso, and head aren't glued as I would like to add magnets to make it...
Reinforcements Arrive!

Reinforcements Arrive!

From now on the 4th of July will take on a whole new celebration for my family as this was the day my daughter, Eleanor, decided to join us in the world :)She's absolutely perfect and my wife and I are thrilled she is finally here!Needless to say, my free time (and...