Dark Eldar in 7th Edition

Dark Eldar in 7th Edition

Having spent more time with the 7th edition rules and after some practice games, it's time to evaluate how my armies are transitioning to the new edition. Starting with Dark Eldar.Most of the big changes that impact the dark kin have been discussed: poison taking a...
7th Edition Webway Portals?

7th Edition Webway Portals?

7th edition first round FAQs are up and there are some interesting changes (omissions)...Namely in the Dark Eldar, Grey Knight, and Space Wolves FAQs. I'm still going through them but the big one that stood out for Dark Eldar was the removal of Webway Portal...
7th Edition – Initial Thoughts

7th Edition – Initial Thoughts

I picked up the new rulebook, psychic cards, and tactical objectives from the FLGS when they went on sale today at 1pm (midnight in Nottingham). Here's my initial thoughts after a first pass through the rules.First up, the form factor. I really like that they split...
End of an Era

End of an Era

Again we find ourselves at the dawn of a new edition although I don't think anybody expected it to come this quickly.When I first heard the rumors over 6 months ago I immediately dismissed them thinking there was no way the core rules would be redone less than 2 years...
Unpacking & Unboxing

Unpacking & Unboxing

Whew, what a month! No more trips to the apartment after work anymore, we're officially all moved in. Now I can just focus on getting the house set up (and keeping up with yard work, and putting in a garden, and...) but seriously, after being cramped in a tiny...