Across the Webway

Across the Webway

Here are some interesting reads I stumbled upon this past week from the vast expanse of hobby blogs across the Internet.I've been so busy these past few months that I neglected my RSS reader and surely missed out on some great content from the community. Now that...
Site Update

Site Update

I finally got around to addressing some site template issues -- namely the image resizing bug where all new posts with pictures would only display in original sizes which only added to the lack of mobile friendly browsing. Rather than figure out what had suddenly...
Packing Up

Packing Up

It's moving time again, but this will hopefully be the last time for a very long time. We're less than 2 weeks away from closing on our first house! This is a very exciting but busy time. I'm at the point where I need to pack away my armies and hobby gear for the...
Drazhar Update

Drazhar Update

Life has been extra busy so far this year but has also been extra awesome. Between work, class, and buying a house, I haven't been able to get any gaming in yet, but there has been some progress on a few hobby projects. Drazhar has undergone some minor updates and is...
Looking Forward to 2014

Looking Forward to 2014

There is much to look forward to in 2014. Some big things are on the horizon, both hobby and non-hobby related. First and foremost, my family will be expanding as my wife and I (mostly my wife doing all the hard work) add another little one to our ranks : )This is by...