3 Years, 3 Armies

3 Years, 3 Armies

It's hard to believe this thing is still going. When I set out on this project, I had 3 main army collections all mostly unpainted and a good portion unbuilt and still in their boxes. It's been a long but mostly steady journey building, painting, and playing with each...
Slay Ride RTT – Part 2

Slay Ride RTT – Part 2

Before we get into the final match of the tournament, I wanted to briefly mention and share some photos of some of the armies in attendance. Here you can see my buddy's awesome looking Nurgle army:There was IG armored company vs Ultramarines:Tau vs Blood...
Slay Ride RTT – Part 1

Slay Ride RTT – Part 1

This past weekend I was able to try out the new Space Marines codex at 'Slay Ride', an annual tournament event run by one of the local game clubs, the Maryland Wargaming Collective -- this is the second MWC event I've attended and it was an absolute blast! They...
GW Bundles With Actual Savings

GW Bundles With Actual Savings

Good news everyone, it looks like GW finally learned what incentive means (and no, bundling $500 worth of models at no discount that can be purchased with one simple click doesn't count). I was checking out the website earlier and was shocked at the price tags on some...
Drazhar Conversion WIP

Drazhar Conversion WIP

After a short break away from all things 40k, I'm back with a couple more Dark Eldar projects. I finally started painting my Cronos and on the conversion table is this in progress Drazhar. When I saw the new Shadowblade model I immediately started thinking up...