CORE Memories

 Hero Quest: the game that started it all.Playing the game (that got me into all of this) with my son and his best friend... priceless.Even better than I remembered 😃 Cheers!

Countdown to NOVA

1 month till NOVA 2022!Really looking forward to this convention! Pretty sure my kids have doubled in size since the last one 😂As always, I'll have my work cut out for me to properly prepare for my games and I'm still not sure what team I'm playing in the...


 Photo update: camping, new bike, new trails, and a check-in on the bonsai...My first trail ride with the new mountain bike and first time down Super Steep.A quick check-in on my Willow ficus bonsai tree... after a very rough transition to the new environment and...


 Photo update: camping, new bike, new trails, and a check-in on the bonsai...My first trail ride with the new mountain bike and first time down Super Steep.A quick check-in on my Willow ficus bonsai tree... after a very rough transition to the new environment and...

Star Wars Armada

 This game is fun!Greetings fellow Terrans. I hope everyone is having a good summer & staying cool. Been busy on this end but things are good; I have a few random but fun projects to share and some exciting stuff coming down the pike... But first up, I had...