Conversions Corner: Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Conversions Corner: Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Conversions Corner is my posts where I show you.... yeah you guessed it. Conversions. They may be simple kit bashing sometimes or more complicated stuff, but I post something up when I think someone might find it interesting.So on on to this conversions then. It will...
Warzone: Resurrection – Card protection, what to use?

Warzone: Resurrection – Card protection, what to use?

Well this isn't something you need to have really for your games even if you do use Advance Rules and shuffling your decks. BUT! Your cards will take some damage when you have shuffled them a couple of times so if your like me and want to protect your cards, you have...
Miniature Monday: X-Wing repainted!

Miniature Monday: X-Wing repainted!

One of the best things with X-Wing: The Miniatures Game is that the ships comes pre painted, for a lot of people anyway. For me this is still the case but as a painter I have to paint some, despite the original paintwork being okey at least.I will not to any massive...
Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus GBT-49 Grizzly Tank

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus GBT-49 Grizzly Tank

I'm going to do quite a lot of new Warzone unboxings now when my Wave two of the Kickstarter stuff arrived some time ago. First up of these are the Heavy vehicle for Bauhaus and one of most iconic vehicles in the Mutant Chronicles universe, the Grizzly Tank. There was...
Miniature Monday: Savage Orcs greenskinized!

Miniature Monday: Savage Orcs greenskinized!

Strange title but if you saw an post I made a while ago (found here) you understand what I mean. I have made my ungreenskinz green, not by that much though in my opinion and I do think I like this version better and I think it will make the the whole army more...