Tutorial: How to make concrete barricades

Tutorial: How to make concrete barricades

Obviously I had one main ingredient in this tutorial and that is the actual barricades themselves. In this tutorial I use left over resin from Prodos Games Warzone: Resurrection kits, and I have a lot so I thought I wanted to do something useful it. I know you get...
Warzone: Resurrection KS Wave 2 arrived today!

Warzone: Resurrection KS Wave 2 arrived today!

Awesome news guys, my much awaited wave 2 of missing cards, miniatures, parts etc. finally arrived today. Oh the joy you can get from little plastic soldiers, it's crazy!Some facts then.The resin is much better now and the details are much better, almost wished more...
WIP Wednesday: Deadzone Battlezone Watchtower/Outpost

WIP Wednesday: Deadzone Battlezone Watchtower/Outpost

A little unusual WIP photo this time as I don't paint much terrain or buildings. I need to however and I have plenty of building materials from my Deadzone Kickstarter so here's some WIP:s of the first building I have built and started to paint.Did a camo paint job...
Tutorial: To paint worn and rusted metal (Easy)

Tutorial: To paint worn and rusted metal (Easy)

Here's an very easy tip on how I make really worn out and rusty objects. I this case we have an barrel/oildrum from the GW Battlefield Accessories SetIt is first primed black and then painted with Warpaints Gun Metal, leave some black in the recesses. Then I...
Miniature Monday: Mordheim Riekland Captain

Miniature Monday: Mordheim Riekland Captain

I'm dabble with Mordheim from time to time, haven't played it in like ten years or so but really want to try it out again. Anyway, I have a lot of nice Mordheim miniatures which I'm considering was the golden age of Game Workshop produced games and miniatures. So...