Imperial: Blood Beret Squad finished!

Imperial: Blood Beret Squad finished!

The Blood Berets are the best of the best, universally renowned military elite of the ImperialSpecial Forces. The long history of the regiment started 1125 years ago when the Murdoch Clan resolved to muster a special force to counter the new threat of the Dark...
Warzone: Imperial Hurricane Walker finished!

Warzone: Imperial Hurricane Walker finished!

I have worked on this model for a while, I started with the airbrush to prime it, and paint on the came. I had some mishaps with the blu tac I used to cover when I did the camo (when I removed it some paint came along). But in the end this model was a big learning...
Miniature Monday: New Dwarf Gyrocopter finished!

Miniature Monday: New Dwarf Gyrocopter finished!

I finally got around and finished this model, and I don't really know why I had such a long break really (well it my focus on Warzone obviously) becasue even if I didn't really rate the model at first (as being an Gyrocopter, the Gyrobomber looks awesome) I started to...
Warzone: Heroes of the Solar System free PDF released!

Warzone: Heroes of the Solar System free PDF released!

Finally today Prodos Games released their latest PDF (still Beta) of how to do your own heroes for your WZ:R force. We already have this rules in the rulebook but these are much extended and lets you customize your hero so much more. That's not all though you also get...