by Johan Märs | May 19, 2014
Some of you might have seen the first model that I finished for this squad. Well now two of his mates is done as well and the first of my Golden Lions squad is finished. Not much more to say really, I of course painted them like the first model which I was really...
by Johan Märs | May 16, 2014
Like two weeks I have tried out some airbrushing for the first time, I deliberately bought a cheap Airbrush because I didn't know If I liked it or not. Well I did, it's so much faster to put down all the base colours. especially for vehicles. But the cheap gun I use...
by Johan Märs | May 15, 2014
Hello and welcome to the first part of my "Warzone Resurrection Deck Building" article series. What I will aim to do in this is explain both basic deck building techniques and some more advanced as I progress. This will probably be a long read, be prepared for...
by Johan Märs | May 13, 2014
So I have now played my second WZ.R game ever and this is the first Battle Report I do for the system so bare with me that we probably play a lot of the rules wrong (I have realized plenty of stuff already), but hey that's how you learn right? Also this Battle Report...
by Johan Märs | May 12, 2014
Sometimes it's the little things that make that something extra, like tokens for example. In Warzone: Resurrection we have a lot of different tokens, but no models for them (yet at least) so we have make our own and that is really fun in my opinion. So when I did...