Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Blood Berets

Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Blood Berets

I was really lucky I actually got two boxes of these on the Saturday during Gothcon, the Imperial stuff sold like crazy! Anyway, here's my second unboxing of the new Warzone: Resurrection stuff and now it's time for the pride of the Imperial corporation, the Blood...
News: Wood Elves pictures from the next White Dwarf!

News: Wood Elves pictures from the next White Dwarf!

So finally we have some pictures of the new Wood Elves models, and wow! The treemen looks really badass (many won't like it though because they look much different to the old ones) and fit more nicely with the Dryads.Pics comes from Plastic Krak and Talk Wargaming
Miniature Monday: More Undead Legionnaires!

Miniature Monday: More Undead Legionnaires!

I had a goal to finish painting up two Warzone Starter sets for Gothcon which where this weekend. And I actually did it, the Bauhaus starter is finished and now the Dark Legion starter is finished as well. The last Undead Legionnaires are now finished. It is really...
Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Greyhound

Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Greyhound

With the recent retail packaging of WZ:R miniatures I thought it could be nice to have some unboxing blog posts now when they actually come in boxes. All of the first batch of these is the stuff I bought at Gothcon and first up is the Imperial Greyhound Tankette. I...
First game of Warzone: Resurrection at Gothcon

First game of Warzone: Resurrection at Gothcon

So I made it to Gothcon yesterday and of course visited Prodos Games. There we met Rob from Prodos and my friend Sebastian from the Moonshriek blog who also helped the Prodos guys out. All of them where really friendly and helpful (both the Prodos guys and the...