News: Artwork for the new Wood Elves book?

News: Artwork for the new Wood Elves book?

Okey first of all rumours are suggesting that the new Wood Elves armybook will arrive in May so not far off at all. I was browsing Warseer just now and fell over two pictures showing artwork from an artist's blog showing us a battlescene with Wood Elves engaging some...
Miniature Monday: Warzone Alakhai the Cunning

Miniature Monday: Warzone Alakhai the Cunning

It is said of the Nepharite Overlord Alakhai the Cunning that he was first of his kind that Mankind set eyes upon; that in doing so Humanity knew fear as it had never before experienced in any war that was ever raged throughout its turbulent history.Text from Prodos...
Bauhaus Starter Set painted and finished!

Bauhaus Starter Set painted and finished!

The first goal before Gothcon is to finish my Bauhaus starter set. And now it is finally completed! Now I only have one week to go and on that time I want to finish paint up Alakhai and five Undead Legionnaries, and If I do this and have some spare time I want to do...
Warzone: Imperial release and PDF rules!

Warzone: Imperial release and PDF rules!

We have seen the new Imperial models for some time know, I just haven't had time to write about it until now. The other day we also got the first PDF rules for the Imperial models that is going to be released the 12th of April on Salute. I won't be there but I have...
Miniature Monday: Warzone Hussar Squad Leader

Miniature Monday: Warzone Hussar Squad Leader

I was working on my Dwarf Gyrocopter and thought I would show you that one this Mini Monday. But as I want to attend Gothcon in ten days I need to finish two of my Warzone starters so the work on that one had to halt.Instead I have this mission, ten days to complete:5...