Random Mumblings, Kids, Gothcon, Warzone

Random Mumblings, Kids, Gothcon, Warzone

Haven't updated the blog in a while and that mostly has to do with one thing, one week ago I became dad once again. Last Monday I got my second daughter, an healthy little girl on 4,3 Kg's. As you might understand my hobby time has been very limited especially as an...
Warriors of Chaos: Special Choices

Warriors of Chaos: Special Choices

WoC have quite a lot of Special choices, but one thing that I think stand out with WoC's special choices is how many different unit types you have, you have chariots like the Gorebeast and Warshrine (kind of), monsters like Chimeras, really heavy troops in the Chosen,...
Warzone: Undead Legionnaires finished!

Warzone: Undead Legionnaires finished!

Imagine the nightmare of war where a multitude of undead and technologically advanced aliens are bearing down on you and your comrade. He takes a bullet to the chest, his writhing and screaming stops quickly as he bleeds out. All the time the aliens continue to...
Miniature Monday: Bauhaus Venusian Ranger

Miniature Monday: Bauhaus Venusian Ranger

In the first year after their founding, the Venusian Rangers were deployed in the 23rd Lowlands sector where they sacked and destroyed the Citadel of the Nepharite Overlord Argonath. Since then, they have gone on to win countless battle honours in the name of Bauhaus...