Tutorial: How to paint a Dwarf Warrior

Tutorial: How to paint a Dwarf Warrior

I have got some questions here and there about how I paint my Dwarfs, and they are actually really quite easy to paint up. I painted up twenty of these in under a month and that is really fast for being me, sure they are far from the most good looking miniatures Iv'e...
Warzone: First Bauhaus Hussar squad finished!

Warzone: First Bauhaus Hussar squad finished!

Right now it's all about the Dwarfs or my WZ:R Bauhaus miniatures, and this time I have finally finished the first squad of five Hussars with one MG-40 Light Machine Gun. There's actually some more stuff to do on these and I will show you the final result later but as...
Miniature Monday: Dwarfs, Dwarfs and more Dwarfs

Miniature Monday: Dwarfs, Dwarfs and more Dwarfs

Okay first of all sorry for the lack of updates lately, much going IRL and well, I didn't have much to write about really. But I have done some painting, and it may not look like much but more stuff is going to be finished really soon but until then, here's five more...
Miniature Monday: Chaos Ogre Standard Bearer

Miniature Monday: Chaos Ogre Standard Bearer

Some of you may have seen the early WIP I posted a month ago or something (probably even more) that is now finally finished! Yep it took some time to finish, mainly due to painting on other projects instead. But I finally came around and did the last bits on this...
Warzone: Bauhaus Vulkan Battlesuit finished!

Warzone: Bauhaus Vulkan Battlesuit finished!

I continue painting my new Warzone: Resurrection miniatures. And my second WZ:R miniature ever is the Vulkan Battlesuit. Really fun to paint and not that hard to paint either, and when I finished this model I realised that the colour scheme I went for with my Bauhaus...