Dwarfs: Clansmen command group finished

Dwarfs: Clansmen command group finished

I like to call the normal Dwarf Warriors, Clansmen like they was named before. It just sound more fitting for Dwarfs, anyhow... I have now finished the command group for the Clansmen and so because of this they are now ten men strong and is starting to look like a...
Review: White Dwarf Weekly #2 (Digital Edition)

Review: White Dwarf Weekly #2 (Digital Edition)

A review of the last weeks WD weekly, this is also the first digital WD I have bought so some extra about what I think of that.New ReleasesMore Dwarfs of course, this week we get Gyrocopters/bombers, a Runelord kit and Grimm Burloksson and the Dwarf Armybook. We also...
Dwarfs: Warriors of Karak Eight Peaks

Dwarfs: Warriors of Karak Eight Peaks

A while ago I posted that I was going with an Karak Norn Dwarf army, well it so happens that I changed my mind. Was really tired of painting blue so I went with an idea I had before of painting them red and black instead. And from what I understand these are the...
Warzone: First Bauhaus Hussar finished!

Warzone: First Bauhaus Hussar finished!

Okey so my first Warzone: Ressurection miniature ever is finished! And it's the first test mini for my Bauhaus army. My idea is that most troops like the Hussars, Juggernoughts, Etoiles Mortant etc will go with this scheme, and my Venusian Rangers will go with the...