News: More Dwarfs pics from White Dwarf

News: More Dwarfs pics from White Dwarf

There's even more pics of the second wave of Dwarfs, more pics of the Gyrocopters (still unsure about the look on these but they are growing on me) rules, Rune Lord, Ironbreakers and more. Really cool stuff. Pics via Plastic Krak blog
News: Dwarf second wave pics leaked

News: Dwarf second wave pics leaked

Pictures of wave two for the Dwarfs, pics via Bugmans Brewery.Also here's some info from Faet212.via an anonymous source with the White Dwarf in Hand on Faeit 212 *****Runelord -PlasticModel options2 ornate hammersMetal bound tomb or a blazing rune held by tongsTwo...
Review: White Dwarf Weekly #1 & Wh: Visions #1

Review: White Dwarf Weekly #1 & Wh: Visions #1

When we first heard about these changes I was a little cautious, but I also thought it had a lot of potential if done well. Let's see if I think they managed to do something good out of this change.White Dwarf Weekly #1It´s just 32 pages now and haven't as a good...
Miniature Monday: Dragon Ogre

Miniature Monday: Dragon Ogre

It was an extra exciting Monday for me today because I knew I would get my Warzone: Resurrection Kickstarter stuff today. And it did come today! Really nice models, there are some things missing though which I need to tell Prodos about. Will talk a lot more about this...
Rumours: Dwarfs Wave Two

Rumours: Dwarfs Wave Two

Originally Posted by EddieJA So, I don't know if this has been discussed already, but a LGS near me was accidentally selling next week's White Dwarf early. The Dwarfs have a Gyrobomber coming, this kit also makes a new Gyrocopter. They are also getting a new Runelord,...