News: Warhammer Forge Merwyrm

We have seen WIP pictures of this beast before but here's the finished and beautifully painted version. And I must say I'm usually not a hug fan of Trish Carden and her monster designs but this one is looking really cool and menacing. I might buy it when I have...

Warzone: Bauhaus third attempt and Reinforcements!

A while ago I did any painting update, sorry for that have been quite busy with a lot of other things lately I'm afraid. But I have finished painting up this little dude which is a Bauhaus Ducal Militia Sergeant. This is the third attempt at what colour scheme I want...

News: July WD cover leaked. Wh40 Apocalypse!

Found this pic of the next WD cover on Facebook. So apperantly we get Apocalypse next month, and well that thing on cover is a new Chaos Khorne Lord of Battle first found in WH40k Epic but now will arrive in ordinary 40k as well. Can't say I really like the look...

Last hours of Deadzone Kickstarter!

As I'm typing there's just 29 hours left of the Deadzone KS and this KS is already the most successful KS from Mantic games yet, with $837,844 in pledge total at the moment and rising fast now. Myself have been thinking if I wanted to participate in this KS or...

Review: White Dwarf June 2013

Last issue (May) I thought we saw a glimpse of hope that the WD team has been listening to their readers and brought in more new content. This issue continues in that manner luckily and I hope it will continue this way, but for now here's a review of the...