by Johan Märs | Jun 7, 2013
We have seen WIP pictures of this beast before but here's the finished and beautifully painted version. And I must say I'm usually not a hug fan of Trish Carden and her monster designs but this one is looking really cool and menacing. I might buy it when I have...
by Johan Märs | Jun 5, 2013
A while ago I did any painting update, sorry for that have been quite busy with a lot of other things lately I'm afraid. But I have finished painting up this little dude which is a Bauhaus Ducal Militia Sergeant. This is the third attempt at what colour scheme I want...
by Johan Märs | Jun 2, 2013
Found this pic of the next WD cover on Facebook. So apperantly we get Apocalypse next month, and well that thing on cover is a new Chaos Khorne Lord of Battle first found in WH40k Epic but now will arrive in ordinary 40k as well. Can't say I really like the look...
by Johan Märs | Jun 1, 2013
As I'm typing there's just 29 hours left of the Deadzone KS and this KS is already the most successful KS from Mantic games yet, with $837,844 in pledge total at the moment and rising fast now. Myself have been thinking if I wanted to participate in this KS or...
by Johan Märs | May 29, 2013
Last issue (May) I thought we saw a glimpse of hope that the WD team has been listening to their readers and brought in more new content. This issue continues in that manner luckily and I hope it will continue this way, but for now here's a review of the...