Miniature Monday: Bauhaus Vorreiters finished!

Miniature Monday: Bauhaus Vorreiters finished!

The Vorreiter tracked bike is a valued tool in the Bauhaus armoury and is esteemed not only for the finely engineered Bauhausian technology they represent, but also for the tactics their pilots employ. Vorreiter pilots are drawn from the megacorporation’s...
Last days of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarfs Kings Quest

Last days of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarfs Kings Quest

So Mantic's latest Kickstarter project is soon about to end and it is so far looking very promising indeed. I made a post about this 19 days ago and thought it was a quite a good deal by then. Well it has been upgraded somewhat since and you also have some really good...
WIP Wednesday: Bauhaus Vorreiters and more

WIP Wednesday: Bauhaus Vorreiters and more

Got a model that is almost done and some others where I have plenty of stuff left to do. First up is my two Vorreiters for Bauhaus. I have these based and airbrushed for quite some time now and finally I got around to finish these up.Not my favorite models in the...
Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Vulcan Battlesuit (new version)

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Vulcan Battlesuit (new version)

This time I will do an unboxing of the new version of the Vulcan Battlesuit for Bauhaus, I got this one as an replacement for my second wave (kickstarter version) Vulcan which had some defects. So big thanks to Prodos for handling this in such a good manner.So this is...