WIP Wednesday: Warriors of Chaos

WIP Wednesday: Warriors of Chaos

Well I'm in the spot right now where I could have shown you any of twenty other models that are in the WIP stage right now and I want to finish soon. Right now I can't seem to focus on what to paint so I do a little bit of everything (I'm sure all of us have been...
News: Dungeon Saga continues to grow

News: Dungeon Saga continues to grow

Mantic's newest Kickstarter featuring the dungeon crawler game called Dungeon Saga: The Dwarfs Kings Quest is breaking new pledge and is already having more backers than all other Mantic Kickstarters before accept Mars Attacks and Deadzone. There's a lot of time left...
WoC: Nurgle Warriors repainted and finished

WoC: Nurgle Warriors repainted and finished

A while ago I decided I wanted to do something else with my WoC army, I just didn't like the look of blue Nurgle warriors or Khorne. They looked perfectly okay but the it was to far from the usual look of them.So I decided (with the help from you on who read my blog...
Miniature Monday: Cybertronic Exterminateur Attila MK.I

Miniature Monday: Cybertronic Exterminateur Attila MK.I

So here's the fourth faction I want to starter paint up for Warzone: Resurrection, Cybertronic! I have had a really hard time deciding what color scheme to choose and have tried many different things now but in the end I ended up with a classic inspired look. And I...
Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Starter Box

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Starter Box

This is the unboxing of the Bauhaus Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection. This is actually an unboxing of two sets as I bought two of them in the Kickstarter, so this is also the first version of the box (Prodos has announced that it will be redone as the Cybertronic...