Unboxing Malifaux: Open Graves Starter Box

Unboxing Malifaux: Open Graves Starter Box

Unboxing time! And this is my first Malifaux unboxing, and I will show you the Open Graves box with the Resurrectionists Gang of Nicodem.Lovely artwork on the box coverFirst of all I haven't played Malifaux yet, I hope to do some day but the main reason I bought these...
Warzone: Imperial Command Group finished!

Warzone: Imperial Command Group finished!

Well we don't really have command groups in WZ:R... yet anyway. But I thought it would be a fitting name as these two guys will alternative as Warlord/Lord and NCO in my Imperial force.Really nice to paint as always and soon I consider myself finished painting my...
Miniature Monday: Imperial Force progress and Trenchers

Miniature Monday: Imperial Force progress and Trenchers

I have had these finished for a while now but did the basing just the other day so now they are totally finished. Awesome miniatures to paint just as the first five, I did some weapon swaps to get some more variation in poses and weapons. I also post two pictures to...