Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Anderson PSI Files Volume 3

Morning everyone and welcome to another Comic review. We return this time to the Judge Anderson PSI files saga today. If you have let to read the reviews of Volume One and two then follow these handy links-Judge Anderson The PSI Files Volume 1Judge Anderson The PSI...

Bookshelf: Comic Review- Judge Dredd Meg 203

Welcome back Dredd heads to March 2003 and Meg 203. The cover for this issue has a real valentine day theme to it. Even though it was released a month after. Along the top of the meg we see a mini Dredd as a Quepid type, shooting dead the real quepid with an...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout

Welcome everyone to the final few backlogged beer posts. After these I will be update with consolidating the blogs and can then close down the old blog for good. And what a beer to start today off with then with my favourite stout of 2015. First tried this beer at...