The University of Athel Loren Crimson Tide! Blood Bowl time!

It's Blood Bowl season here at the Ordo Fanaticus and that means HOBBY EXCITEMENT!I'm finally getting around to playing Blood Bowl after years and years of not touching the game and I'm finding I have forgotten far more than I ever learned... :(That said I ordered a...

Black Sheep Brawl IV List

It's t-minus 2 weeks until the 4th annual Black Sheep Brawl and I can't wait.  I'll be bringing Wood Elves once again and if we go by Swedish Comp score its a measly 16!Going to focus on eliminating specific units and characters per turn and take advantage of the...

Glade Riders and Glade Guard WIP

As the Black Sheep Brawl draws closer, I have been working on assembling a few additional units to paint up and diversify my existing army.I am hopeful that I will have time to get these done, and I am even more hopeful that I will be able to participate in the Black...

So many games, so little time.

Hey folks,I've been terrible about blogging these past few months.  Mainly because I haven't made any real attempts to start any projects.  I've made half-assed attempts to build a unit here, paint a unit there, but nothing really substantial as far as a...