Deepwood Scouts/Waywatchers WIP

So I am preparing for the Black Sheep Brawl in March, my first real GT in over a year.  Hopefully this time I won't have a herniated disc in my neck and won't be stoned on painkillers! (Btw never mistake oxycotin or hydrocodone for tylenol then have a scotch or...

December to Remember Update!

I know, I know.  I have been utterly abhorrent about updating this blog lately.  The reason being is that I haven't had any hobby time with all the activities that a pair of 2 year old little girls keep you busy with.  My wood elves are currently "done"...
Wildwood Rangers – Lightroom Test

Wildwood Rangers – Lightroom Test

Testing out how to properly use my new Lightbox I purchased.Here is a test picture of how it looks.  I will be doing the entire army soon once I have mastered the appropriate lighting and camera settings.
Warhammer Brilliance – Where dreams become reality.

Warhammer Brilliance – Where dreams become reality.

This is what happens when grown men converse via google hangout during lunch and allow their inner 13 year old to speak through their adult body.I think Operation Minotaur Balls is going to be a "rousing" success11:26 AMBow chikaI think Riley has convinced me to take...
Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs WIP

Mierce Miniatures – Minotaurs WIP

As I mentioned before, I had purchased and converted several of the Mierce Minatures minotaurs for my Beastmen/Warriors of Chaos army.  Now that I am gung-ho on ensuring that my collection of models gets painted to a high standard, I am embarking on Operation...