Hobby Projects for Autumn and Winter.

So this fall and winter will be quite busy for me as I have lined myself up with 3-4 projects to complete in a short time.  I have embarked on this "hobby sojourn" in order to finish up various started projects and begin to organize my hobby storage area at home...
Back from Break!  Retribution of Scyrah ho!

Back from Break! Retribution of Scyrah ho!

Hey everyone,I took a few week break from blogging in order to recoup after the annual OFCC event and to refocus on the hobby.  After a few weeks I'm happy to start in on my next project.  I have decided that it is time to paint up my warmachine army and get...
OFCC 2014 bound!

OFCC 2014 bound!

Alrighty folks,  it's been a year and a few months since last OFCC but it's now time to depart unto this massive Nerd Safari!I'll be providing a pictures later but I wanted to show off the finalized display board for the event!See you after this weekend!
Orion WIP and Display Board WIP

Orion WIP and Display Board WIP

Before OFCC 2014 arrives I am trying to complete one last model which is Orion, King of the Woods for my 4,000 point Wood Elf army and also a reasonably easy display board.Here is the layout for the display board.  I'm going to cut out the areas for the movement...
Citadel Wood – Painted and Flocked.

Citadel Wood – Painted and Flocked.

The one final element I almost forgot to have ready for OFCC was my "free" citadel wood that the Wood Elves get.  Rather than an arbitrary speed painted one I decided to take a few hours and make this one look nicer than I normally would have.  I may add a...