One Hour Skirmish Wargames – SF Urban Dystopia

One Hour Skirmish Wargames – SF Urban DystopiaByJohn LambsheadThe Core Rule BookBackstoryThe One Hour Skirmish Wargames (OHSW) fast play diceless wargame rules are designed to be a toolkit to allow players to create gun-orientated skirmish scenarios that can be...

Venus, Mars & Hell

Venus, Mars & HellBy John Lambshead & Eric FlintMy new book is out this month. It contains three previously published steampunk short stories. The two I wrote, Storming Hell and Storming Venus, were originally published in Universe magazine.The blurbThe...

Venus, Mars & Hell

Venus, Mars & HellBy John Lambshead & Eric FlintMy new book is out this month. It contains three previously published steampunk short stories. The two I wrote, Storming Hell and Storming Venus, were originally published in Universe magazine.The blurbThe...

Oathsworn Miniatures: Wind in the Willows Band

Wind in the Willows Band - Ready To Free Toad HallOathsworn Miniatures were new to me but my wife spotted their stand at Salute and was charmed by their anthropomorphic woodland animals.Back home I ordered a set of figures with the aim of making a warband for Thud...

Cruel Seas: Italian Fleet

The Blue, Blue MediterraneanHave just finished painting my Italian Fleet - that's fleet 3 if anyone is counting.The Italians made beautiful ships: ships, cars, planes, suits, just about everything looks more stylish if it come out of Italy.Night FallsKeep a sharp look...