Cruel Seas: Aegean Commando Raid

Raid FlotillaI've finished my Aegean commando raiding flotilla. The plucky chaps are off to launch an attack on a German held island and blow up some guns dominating a strait.The commando is company strong, one platoon in each of the LCI(S) and one in the corvette...

‘Allo, ‘Allo

Nouvion Fishing QuayListen very carefully; I shall say this only once.Somewhere in this picture are two British airmen waiting for Rene to smuggle them onto a fishing boat which will rendezvous with a British Vosper out in the Baie de Somme.Ha, now you see them. They...

Cruel Seas: Mirage Hobbies HMS Montgomery

HMS MontgomeryMongomery was a Town Class Destroyer. These were old USN WWI designed destroyers roughly equivalent to the Royal Navy's W/V class. Britain exchanged a number of strategic bases for a number of these in storage. It was a terrible deal as the ships weren't...

Review: Warlord Games Cruel Seas Merchant Tanker

Completed ModelA merchant ship with a resin hull and metal additional components is available from the Warlord Games site for the sum of 18 of our Brexit £.The hull is very thin between the raised fo'c'sle and quarterdeck (go one, admit you're impressed by my grasp...