Tamiya Clear Red vs Citadel Touchstone Blue

I recently acquired some Tamiya Clear acrylic paints and was well impressed so, as I have Malign Sorcery bits and pieces to paint, I decided to put Tamiya head to head with Citadel.First off, I sprayed the pieces Humbrol Metallic Silver as both an under coat and a...

Model Aircraft Scales For Wargaming

 From left to right - Scotia-Grendel, Warlord Games, Revell, Airfix.Warlord Games introduction of their innovative Blood Red Sky has kickstarted WWII fighter games; a genre that has been in the doldrums for some years.However, aeroplane miniatures are based on...

Miniature Wargames Free Figures, Wild West Exodus

This months issue of Miniature Wargames has free figures from the Wild West Exodus game, now owned by Weyland Games.I don't know much about the game but it seems to be steampunk using 30 mm (?) plastic models. These two retail for £17 the pair.The models do not...

Review Gangs of Rome: Blood on the Aventine

Blood on the Aventine, Boxed GameI had been hearing good things about the new Gangs of Rome rules for a while and took the opportunity to pick up a Blood on the Aventine boxed starter set at Salute. I clearly wasn't the only one as the game was selling faster than...

Review: Warlord’s Blood Red Skies

New boxed gameSome time ago I pitched an idea for a new airgame to Warlord. My theme was that it was time for a new approach to airgames. Warlord politely replied that they agreed.....and, in fact, they had already given a contract to some bloke called Andy Chambers...