Hi Tech Miniatures Inquisitor

I fancied doing something different for an Inquisitor model so selected something from Hi Tech Miniatures, who do a vast range of pseudo-40K stuff.These models are high quality resin and not cheap but IMHO worth it.Incidentally, if you only want to buy a single model...

Thousand Sons Patrol

Thousand Sons Patrol   I am a great fan of playing with small armies in 40K as I think the large models need space and lots of terrain to make manoeuvre tactically important. The background of the Thousand Sons in particular lend themselves to narrative...

Daemon Engine of Tzeentch – Mirrorfiend

"The monstrosity that pushed its way between two warehouses stripped to bare ferrocrete was neither living nor machine but a wyrd-cursed amalgam. Its six many-jointed legs carried a flattened body from which protruded long growths with puckered openings at the top....

Imperial Navy RE-45 Lander

Side shot showing lateral, fast-exit, troop hatches, heavy thruster baffles, underwing air intakes and the rotatable jet nozzles used for hoverflight and fast lift offs.It is a largely plastic model built over  a balsa wood chassis.I made this scratch-build...

Seond Hand 40K

I desired to add a Hellbrute to my small Khorne Berserker army but the old bank account has taken a bit of a dive this month due to storm damage from the winter gales on my roof so funds for military expenditure were restricted.However, eBay is full of second hand...