On My Painting Table: Nurgle’s Lord of Blights

Mostly spend today writing a book on skirmish wargaming, but I did get to do a quick paint job on my new Lord of Blights model for my game tonight with Shaun.He has this humongous fly-shield complete with pawn-balls.Looks almost as good going as coming.This is a great...

Lamborrari 2000 Sci Fi Sports Car

Wandering around Rochester Models, I was drawn to the Wargames Terrain Workshop stand with lots of resin goodies at very reasonable prices. I have bought some of their pieces before on impulse and liked them.They had this 28mm compatible aircar on the stand, sold in...

On My Painting Table – Tau Ethereal

Got bored with Genestealer Cultists so I decided to paint up my Ethereal. It is mostly as-is from the box.I left of the front 'skirt' and used a higher base because I thought it made the model look more 'dynamic'.For The Greater Good

A Future Earth

This is what a future Earth could look like if/when temperatures reach +4 degrees C.The map was published in New Scientist some time ago. It is an interesting setting for wargames in, say, 2200 to 2500.

Genestealer Primus

Still plugging away at my Genestealer Cult Gang. The Primus is finished so just a couple of familiars to do and I think I will call it a day.Great model, though. A real feel of ferocity and determination in the pose. He's ordering on the cultists behind to act as a...