Genestealer Cult Mage

Currently sitting on my painting table - a genestealer Mage.Great plastic model.I tried to show him streaming warp-glow so lots of metalallics, candy colours, and highlights.Truly evil figure ripe for exterminatus.

Genestealer Cult Patriarch

The patriarch cometh through the gloom, all razor sharp claws and teeth.He's taken out at least two Space Marines.Ready to leap on the prey.A bit more lit up to show detail.

Xmas Miniature – Tau Stormsurge

Finished my Xmas Miniature Project, which is destined as a display model for a friend.The white crystalline covered base is, of course, a necessary feature.Did you know the Tau use squirts of liquid nitrogen to cool the barrels of their really big guns between shots?I...

Kitbashed Inquisition Gun-Cutter

High Altitude Flight."What rose above the landing platform out of the blizzard night,its down thrusters wailing, was my gun-cutter. Four hundred and fifty tonnes of armoured alloy, eighty metres from barbed nose to raked stern, landing gear still lowered like spider...