Review; Warcry Catacombs Scions of the Flame

 Scions of the Flame WarbandScions are a Chaos cult from the Realm of Fire. They hunt magnavores and salamanders, eating their flaming hearts in ceremonies more 'orrible than a Church of England jumble sale. They worship the fire and channel flames through...

A Life on the Ocean Wave

 The FleetsI have been painting and basing some miniature battleship-era navies, recently. My interest ranges from the later pre-Dreadnought battleships to the super Dreadnoughts of WWI.On the left are Royal Navy WW1 1:3000 models from Davao. This is a powerful...

Review: Warcry Catacombs Khainite Shadowstalker Models

Khainite Shadowstalker WarbandWarcry is possibly my favourite game to have emerged from the GW stable in recent years and it goes from strength to strength with the release of the new Catacomb 'complete game in a box'.Shadowstalkers are the first non-chaos unique...

Maggotkin of Nurgle Flying Corps

 Lord of Afflictions & Pusgoyle BlightlordAs every phule kno, air support is vital to any army's success and the Maggotkin are no exception. Indeed, Nurgle forces are so slow that air cavalry is a highly useful asset. An eight inch move does not exactly make...

Tribute to Ciaphus Cain, Hero of the Imperium

 Commissar Ciaphus Cain, Hero  is a character invented by Alex Stewart, writing as Sandy Mitchell for Black Library. He is accompanied by his aide, Gunner First Class Jurgen.I made this model some years ago and it has languished in a box in the garage....