
A bladed killer swoops down on his preyMy pack of HellionsThe gang leader....for nowHe should watch the lady behind him...she is ambitiousCircling aroundCelebrating the kill

Gosh, He’s a Big Boy

Haven't had much time for painting recently as I've been finishing off a book but I did get around to modelling a Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought.This is a complicated highly posable model with a multitude of parts that move or open. Display modellers will love it but...

The Warband of Malo the Impaler

8th edition has rekindled my interest in 40K so I am getting out all my old models and tarting them up a bit. This is one of my chaos collections.I enjoy putting together small 40K armies and giving them a back story. Somehow it seems much more fun than putting...

Kitbashed Typhus

A new Typhus model is on its way to replace the rather tired offering still in the GW range but - given that Lords of Contagion models are on offer on eBay for a few quid - I decided to make my own.I cut off much of the LoC decoration to change the silhouette of the...

Kitbashed Primaris Librarium

I fancied adding a Librarian to my Primaris Ultramarine army but the £22.50 cost for the single plastic figure was somewhat too rich for my wallet.I therefore resolved to buy one of the Dark Imperium figures that can be had for a few quid off eBay and convert it.I...