Dark Imperium Nurgle Deathguard Character Models

What strikes me about the new Deathguard plastic character models is their size and the vast amount of detail present. They cry out for the use of washes - unless you are a very patient and skilled painter.I have to say that I completely love the Lord of Contagion...

Nurgle’s Poxwalkers

Here we comeWalkin' down the streetWe get the funniest looks fromEveryone we meetHey, hey, we're the Poxwalkers......101 uses for an old autogun: a halberdShould've used a higher factor sunblocker on his backPleased to see youMy, my Grandpa, what big boils you gotThe...

New Death Guard Chaos Marines

A walking collection of rust, puss and maggots - I give you the new Death Guard Chaos Marines.Blight grenade, ready to go.Slime just keeps oozing out.Toxic fog dispenser.Skull pustules ready to burst.Grenades.Rust gut-bucket.Nice antlers, Guv.The Boss.Hornet away.

Operation Gigant – Thunder Run Down The Great North road

Operation Gigant supplement for Bolt Action: Sea Lion is now on pre-order here.The DEK is poised to Thunder Run down The Great North road to stab London in the back - but our gallant lads and lasses of the Home Guard and LDV are ready. Meanwhile O'Conner Force stands...

Review: Revell/Warhammer Space Marine Heavy Assault

Revell in collaboration with Games Workshop have produced a set of old Ork and Space Marine plastic sprues in six 'Build & Paint' sets that are intended as add ons for the Battle for Vedros starter set for children.Most of these packs will probably of...