Nurgle Daemon Engines Plague Drones – Old & New Reviewed

On the left we have the old champ, the resin Forge World Plague Drone, and on the right the new contender, the Citadel plastic model.Which one prefers is largely a matter of taste but I have a few general comments.Plastic is a much better material than resin for this...

Primaris Ultramarines

My 8th Edition Ultramarine ArmyIf anyone had suggested just a year ago that this month I would be painting space marines, nay Ultramarines at that, I would have pronounced them crazy.But here we are.Ultramarine Commanders And CharactersFrom left to right we have two...

The Mighty Eighth: The Apostles of Contagion

Lord Necrosius and two HelbrutesI made an Apostles of Contagion warband for my Siege of Vraks games.The Apostles are an anti-Typhus Death Guard-breakaway warband. Necrosius is a foul sorcerer famous for spreading the zombie plague.I have resurected the Apostles for...

The Mighty 8th: First Game of the new 40K

My regular opponent, Shaun, and I used to play 40K campaign battles three or four times a month but all this ended with the advent of the turgid 6th edition.The Mighty Eighth has reawoken our interest so we set up a simple test game of my Alpha Legion versus Primaris...

40: The Mighty 8th – New Smurfs

In honour of the launch this week of the mighty 8th, I decided to paint some Smurfs, my  first since the original Beaky-Box boys were first issued in plastic - 30 for £10!As paint has moved on a bit, I airbrushed some Mr Hobby Metallic Blue using a nifty...